| A celebration of the 30th anniversary of the formation of Roland Roland's group "The Falling Rocks" is interrupted by tragedy when Roland is electrocuted in his new hot tub. The guests at the party are now all suspects. By Host-Party. |
 | Someone has kidnapped a rising teen sensation at the site of her latest concert. Who did it and why? By Host-Party. |
 | Turn on, tune in, and join the rest of your hip crowd on a cross-country road trip to Beefstock with one of the grooviest rock singers of all time in How to Host a Murder - The Tragical Mystery Tour! By Decipher. |
 | Hip-hop dance sensation Ashley LaRoche has just dropped dead on live TV. Which of the members of Ashley's entourage is the killer? By Host-Party. |
 | Join us in a thrilling evening of love, peace, music and murder in The Karma Club. Break out your bellbottom jeans, wide belts, tie-dyed and paisley shirts, and help solve a murder. By Freeform Games. |
 | Who has stolen the fabulous diamond engagement ring from the hotel room latest teen pop band sensation, The Blue Sparks? By Host-Party. |