Follow Mystery Game Central on Facebook

Posted August 13, 2009 @ 9:23 am - Filed under: Site News

FacebookMystery Game Central now offers a way to keep up with the world of mystery games on Facebook, one of the world’s largest social networking web sites.

The Mystery Game Central Facebook Page provides a neat way to follow what’s happening at Mystery Game Central. We’ll use the Facebook page to highlight the latest mystery game releases and mystery game news.

The Facebook page also gives you an easy way to interact with us — you can post something to the wall, or open a discussion of mystery game topics.

Tell everyone about the mystery games you enjoy, and the great time you had at your latest mystery dinner party. You can even upload photos of your mystery games or mystery parties — what fun!

To follow Mystery Game Central on Facebook, just visit the Mystery Game Central Facebook Page and click on the “Become a Fan” button at the top of the page. From then on, posts from Mystery Game Central will show up in your Facebook timeline, making it easy to keep track of what’s going on in the world of mystery games and mystery parties.

(Of course, to become a fan, you’ll need to join Facebook. But don’t worry, it’s free, and it’s fun, and it’s a great way to keep up with your family, friends, and your favorite web sites!)